Here are the questions I got wrong or did not have time to answer. I got a 52/70



The loop continuously reduces the value of k by 1 until it reaches 0. If k starts as a negative value, it will persistently decrease without ever reaching 0. I overlooked this thinking that 0 will be added each time.



Data transmitted on the Internet is broken into packets and then reassembled upon arrival. Packets may travel along different paths, arriving at the destination in order, out of order, or not at all. This is why you can experience lag and things like that.



Using 6 bits will only allow for up to 64 sequences because 2 to the power of 6 = 64



The sequence of rows remains unchanged upon applying filters, and the order of actions holds no significance. Filtering can take place either before or after the spreadsheet is sorted based on rating.

Among the questions I answered, these are the only ones I got wrong, questions bellow will be corrections will be for questions I did not have time for.



When utilizing two processors concurrently, the optimal execution time occurs when the workload distribution is nearly equal. If processes P and Q operate on one processor, they require a combined total of 40 seconds, while processes R and S on the other processor demand a combined total of 35 seconds. With parallel processing, all four operations are accomplished within a span of 40 seconds.



In order to recommend a running path, the app must access the user’s current location, which is obtained from their device.



To enable the sharing of Adrianna’s running route with nearby users, the application requires knowledge of the current locations of users besides Adrianna. This data is gathered from devices belonging to other users, not Adrianna’s own device.



The app facilitates connecting users to others in close proximity, potentially fostering group exercise sessions. This could lead to enhanced user health outcomes.



The app will notify a user whenever a nearby compatible user initiates a run. This functionality may enable users to pinpoint the whereabouts of strangers, raising privacy apprehensions.



Premium users shold not have ads



Option A: When input1 and input2 are both true, the expressions (NOT input1) and (NOT input2) are both false, so (NOT input1) OR (NOT input2) will evaluate to false. In all other cases, either (NOT input1) or (NOT input2) (or both) will evaluate to true, so (NOT input1) OR (NOT input2) will evaluate to true.

Option D: When input1 and input2 are both true, the expression (input1 AND input2) is true, so NOT (input1 AND input2) will evaluate to false. In all other cases, (input1 AND input2) will evaluate to false, so NOT (input1 AND input2) will evaluate to true.



Option B: Please delete this line. The return statement terminates the procedure prematurely. Consequently, if the age is under 18, the variable “result” will never be assigned the label “minor.”

Option C: This line should be removed. This statement causes result to be assigned the value “adult”, even if it should have been assigned the value “senior citizen”.



Option B: Since NOT humid evaluates to true, the body of the IF statement is executed. Since hot OR humid evaluates to true, true is displayed.

Option C: Since hot OR humid evaluates to true, the body of the IF statement is executed. Since hot is true, true is displayed.



Option A: This code segment initially sets the bonus points to 500 by default. If the timer is less than 30, no extra bonus points are awarded. If the timer falls between 30 and 60, inclusive, the bonus increases by 500 in the first “if” block. If the timer surpasses 60, the bonus increases by 500 twice (once in each “if” block). Thus, the correct number of bonus points is assigned to the variable “bonus” for all potential timer values.

Option D: In this code segment, if timer is greater than 60, bonus is assigned 1500 in the first IF block. If timer is between 30 and 60, inclusive, bonus is assigned 1000 in the second IF block. If timer is less than 30, bonus is assigned 500 in the third IF block. The correct number of bonus points is assigned to bonus for all possible values of timer.



Option A:

For this spinner, there is a probability of “blue” occurring. The rest of the time, “orange” and “purple” have equal chances. If the first call to RANDOM returns 1 (which happens a certain percentage of the time), the code segment outputs “blue”. Otherwise, if the second call to RANDOM returns 1 (which occurs a certain percentage of the time when “blue” doesn’t appear), the code segment outputs “orange”. For the remaining percentage of the time when “blue” doesn’t appear, the code segment outputs “purple”.

Option D: For this spinner, there is a probability of “blue” occurring. The remaining portion of the time, “orange” and “purple” have equal probabilities. The variable spin is randomly assigned a value between 1 and 4, inclusive. If spin equals 1 (which happens a certain percentage of the time), the code segment outputs “blue”. Otherwise, if spin is randomly set to a value between 1 and 2, inclusive. If spin equals 2 (which happens a certain percentage of the time when “blue” doesn’t occur), the code segment outputs “orange”. For the remaining percentage of the time when “blue” doesn’t occur, the code segment outputs “purple”.



Option A: The code segment will traverse myList in a right-to-left manner, eliminating each element that matches the element directly preceding it in value. In this specific list, the code segment will remove the sixth element (10), the fourth element (20), and the second element (10). Consequently, the list becomes [10, 20, 10], which retains duplicate elements.

Option C: The code segment will traverse myList from right to left, eliminating each element that matches the value of the element immediately preceding it. However, in this list, there are no consecutive pairs of elements with identical values. Therefore, no elements will be removed, despite the presence of the value 40 appearing twice in the list.



Option A: The timestamp of when a photo is captured is regarded as metadata associated with the image. This data can aid in establishing the chronological sequence of the images.

Option D:

The location and timestamp of when a photo is captured are deemed metadata associated with the image. This data can help ascertain if two pictures were taken at the same location but on different dates.



Option A:

This code segment extracts the characters to the left of position n and assigns them to the variable left, while the characters to the right of position n are assigned to the variable right. Subsequently, it concatenates left and right, assigning the resulting string to newStr. For instance, if oldStr is “best” and n is 3, the code segment assigns “be” to left, “t” to right, and “bet” to newStr.

Option C:

This code segment sets the characters to the left of position n as the value for newStr. Then, it appends newStr with the substring containing the characters to the right of position n. For instance, if oldStr is “best” and n is 3, the code segment assigns “be” to newStr, followed by concatenating “be” with the substring “t”, resulting in “bet” being assigned to newStr.