Insertion sort:

  • I was part of this group and we had a beach theme where people compared the size of pool noodles to determine who has the biggest pool noodle

  • I learned that variables were compared to each other in order to be sorting making this a slow way of sorting things

  • Time complexity: O(n)

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BOGO and Quick Sort

  • This group had a gangster theme where different gangs tried to sort out who had the highest ranking in order to overthrow the other gang and be the best gang in the orange juice business. One used BOGO sort and the other used quick sort

  • Variables sort themselves randomly till it works for BOGO sort and quick sort picks an element as a pivot and partitions the array around the picked pivot

  • BOGO sort is a joke. Big O notation: O (n log n)

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Bubble Sort

  • It was a dating show theme where a single women (Rachit) gave each person a value based on how good they are to date and they arranged themselves

  • This algorithm repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order

  • Big O notation: O(n)

  • Pictures and videos:

Merge Sort

  • It was a flower themed? were each person sorted themselves by how many petals they had

  • It divides the input array into two halves, divides the halves into halves, and keeps going till there are two values left in each group. Then it merges the two sorted halves

  • Big O notation: O(n log n)

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Selection sort

  • This team was full of theater kids and was a play where they solved the order in which people were murdered by sorting them

  • It searches through the list to find the smallest value and puts it at the bottom of the list, switching it with the value at the front of the list. Then this shortest value is sorted and the algorithm looks for the second shortest value and puts it second and puts the value in second where the original value was and keeps going till the whole list is sorted.

-Big O notation: O(n squared)

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