Study Plan:

  • I plan on taking the quiz first and noting the questions I am unsure on because I am not sure what to expect

  • I will review those questions and the ones I have missed and take notes on them

  • If the question seems to be common sense and a silly mistake I will skip it and move on

  • If it is more specific I will write it down and study it to be reviewed later


  • Citizen science: Research conducted by the general public, typically through crowd sourcing

  • Allows for greater data collection and gives community insight into research

    • Boolean variables are used for data with two outcomes (true or false)
  • Internet Engineering Taskforce: A standards organization for the Internet and is responsible for the technical standards that make up the Internet protocol suite.

  • Benefits of using an iterative and incremental process: It helps programmers identify errors as components are added to a working program.

  • During internet connection, every device connected to the Internet is assigned an Internet protocol (IP) address.

  • Byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.

  • In public key cryptography, the sender uses the recipient’s public key to encrypt a message. The recipient’s private key is used to decrypt the message

  • Internet enables crowdsourcing by:

    • Providing crowdsourcing participants access to useful tools, information, and professional knowledge.

    • The speed and reach of the Internet can lower geographic barriers, allowing individuals from different locations to contribute to projects.

  • Cloud Computing has:

    • Reduced concerns about intellectual property rights.

    • Introduced new data-security concerns.

  • Undicidable problems are problems that require a yes or no answer but no algorithm can solve them. An example of this is the the halting problem (determining whether a Turing machine halts on a given input) and the mortality problem (determining whether it halts for every starting configuration). (

College Board Psuedocode Questions:

  • A lot of the psuedocode is in blocks.

  • Multiple problems ask to use psuedocode to move an object to a final destination.

  • The psuedocode we use on college board for answering questions is mainly for motion.

  • There are also debugging questions with the psuedocode.

  • It is all logic based questions

Errors and Corrections:

  • Question 7: Assignment statements with start end and current.

    • I think I simply overlooked the fact that line 4 in comes before line 5 of the code
  • Question 14: Comparing loop algorithms

    • I made the same mistake as in question 7, however, this time I didn’t overlook anything, I expected the answer to be what it was.
  • Question 38: Frequent customers of a snack bar

    • I mistook the division sign for modulus. With division, when things are divisible they are equal to 1 but they are equal to 0 with modulus.
  • Question 46: Infinite loops in undecideable problems

    • Wasn’t sure about the answer when answering the questions. Now I realized that undecidable problems are defined by the fact that no algorithm can solve them.
  • Question 47: Encrypting and decrypting using public key cryptography

    • I realized that something sent to the recipient will have to be decrypted by the recipient.
  • Question 55: Results of the KeepPlaying procedure

    • I knew the answer but I accidentally put the wrong answer in.
  • Question 64: Cloud computing and the Internet

    • I knew the answer but I accidentally put the wrong answer in.